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Archive for the 'Speak Swahili' Category

Your Summer of Swahili Starts Now! Get 29% OFF Lessons from Swahili Teachers

Hello Listener, The Summer of Swahili is in full swing at SwahiliPod101. That means we’re helping thousands of people like you to learn Swahili this summer! Yes, we are helping to make your dream of learning Swahili easier and more affordable with a LIMITED TIME 29% OFF Basic and Premium. Up to $69.60 in savings! Click here to get a BIG 29% OFF! Ready to learn Swahili? During our Summer of Swahili Sale, you gain full access to our ENTIRE learning system – 50+ hours of Swahili audio and video lessons from real Swahili teachers, exclusive apps, plus loads of additional study tools and resources for just... $7.10/Month for Full Access to Our Premium Plan $2.84/Month for Full Access to Our Basic Plan But you might be... Show more

5 Tips To Motivate Yourself While Learning A Second Language

1. Schedule your time. One of the most important factors in keeping your motivation up is developing it into a habit. Whether it be 20 minutes or 3 hours, schedule time to study every day and stick to it. Regular exposure solidifies what you learn and keeps you progressing. To make sure you stick to your routine, a great idea is to build a schedule for your day and decide that every day/Monday/weekend, you study from 6pm to 8pm. Just remember that 30 minutes a day, every day, is better than a binge 8-hour study session at the end of the week (though it’s obviously better than nothing). 2. Learn a word a day with our great Word of the Day learning tool. Trying to learn everything at once and getting overwhelmed by the sheer number... Show more