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Audio and Video Lessons!

Archive for the 'Site Features' Category

We’re Giving Thanks: Swahili Lessons for just $2.80/Month & a FREE Video Lesson!

Hi there Listener, If you ask us what we’re thankful for, it’s people like you. People who choose to learn Swahili. People who know they will master Swahili because it’s just a matter of time. These are the ones who truly do learn the language. How do we know? 10 years of teaching experience and feedback from learners like you. You’ve shaped SwahiliPod101 into a fast, effective and FUN system. Thank you. So during the Thank You Sale, Get a BIG 30% OFF All Basic and Premium Plans! Master more Swahili for LESS with real lessons by real teachers – that’s 70+ hours of audio and video lessons. Your dream of truly learning Swahili is a lot easier and much more affordable. But only ‘til November 25th, 2015.Click here to get 30% OFF & your... Show more

3 Ways to Fully Master Swahili Conversations. It’ll Feel Like Cheating

Hello Listener, Today, we have 3 ways to help you FULLY understand Swahili conversations...simply by listening and reading along. In fact, it works so well, it’s almost like cheating. Imagine listening to a new Swahili conversation: Oh! A word you know! Tons of words you don’t know. And...you’re lost. But, what if you had the lines and translations – everything that’s being said – to read along with? Simply by listening and reading along... You understand 100% of the Swahili that you hear. You stay laser-focused. It’s easy to get distracted with reading or listening alone. Here, you’re much more engaged by 2 senses at the same time. Result: You learn Swahili faster. New words. New phrases. They’re all translated for you.... Show more

5 Ways To Never Forget Swahili Words with the NEW Word Bank

Hello Listener, How easy is it to forget new Swahili words and phrases? First you learn ‘em. Two days later, you forget ‘em. Stopping to note them down takes a lot of time. You can write every word down on 100s of flashcards or in a notebook. That’s the time-consuming part of the battle. But wait! You STILL have to review them all! So here are 5 ways to never forget new Swahili words with the Word Bank. It’s your personal, ever-growing collection of vocab. Come across a new word in a SwahiliPod101 lesson? Want to master specific vocab list? Save ‘em with 1 click and review ‘em in 1 spot – the Word Bank. And it’s just been updated with new features! If you’re a Premium user, be sure to check it out! If not, take advantage... Show more

5 Ways To Improve Your Swahili Speaking Skills

Speaking is usually the #1 weakness for all Swahili learners. This is a common issue among language learners everywhere. The reason for this is obvious: When language learners first start learning a language, they usually start with reading. They read online articles, books, information on apps and so on. If they take a class, they spend 20% of their time repeating words, and 80% of the time reading the textbook, doing homework or just listening to a teacher. So, if you spend most of your time reading instead of speaking, you might get better at reading but your speaking skills never grow. You get better at what you focus on. So if you want to improve you speaking skills, you need to spend more of your study time on speaking. Here are... Show more

Sneak Peek: Review More Swahili with This Feature, Badges & Your 26% OFF

Hello Listener, You’ll want to know about these 2 new Swahili learning tools and features. They’re great for reviewing, motivation and progress. One is an unofficial sneak peek. So what are they? The brand new Achievement Badges and the Word Bank! And... if you want to master Swahili, unlock our proven learning system at 26% OFF and get a Bonus 6.5-hour Audiobook! In this month’s newsletter: 72 Hours Left! Click here to get 26% OFF + FREE 6.5-Hour Audiobook New Feature! Achievement Badges Now Available for Premium PLUS Sneak Peek: Save & Review Vocab with this Study Tool 1. Ends Friday! Learn Swahili with 26% OFF & a FREE Audiobook! No school. No stress. Learn Swahili at your pace and start speaking in... Show more

You’re Too Cool for School: Master Swahili at 26% OFF & Get a FREE Audiobook

Hello Listener, Did you start this year out with a resolution to learn Swahili? Haven’t found time to make it happen yet? Well, with students everywhere going back to school this month... Now’s a perfect time to renew your dream of truly learning Swahili. Even if you’re a complete beginner. Even if you’re out of school... You can and will learn Swahili with 50+ hours of lessons from real teachers. The Too Cool for School Sale at SwahiliPod101 starts today: Click here to get 26% OFF & a free Audiobook! Start speaking Swahili from your very first lesson and get our entire Swahili learning system at 26% OFF! That’s just $2.96/month with Basic or $7.40/month with Premium and up to $62.40 in savings. So if you upgrade... Show more

NEW! Complete Swahili Assignments, Earn NEW Badges, Level Up Your Swahili

Hello Listener, (This is all about new achievement badges at SwahiliPod101. Keep reading!) Let’s say you JUST finished a Swahili lesson. For example, an assignment like... You write a self-introduction in Swahili You record your self-introduction via audio or video You send an image to your teacher that’s related to Swahili ...or you complete a weekly writing task Then, you send it over. Your SwahiliPod101 teacher checks it. Approves it. Ding! You get a new achievement badge for your hard work. It's your mark of progress. It definitely sends a burst of Swahili learning motivation into your brain! What does this mean? It’s proof that your Swahili is improving, as confirmed by a real Swahili teacher. Real proof that... Show more

3 Consistent Ways You’ll Learn Swahili Fast: All New Lessons, Word Lists & 29% OFF!

Hi there Listener, When you’re learning Swahili and want real progress...look for the consistent method. One that’s non-stop and keeps you going. What’s a good one? SwahiliPod101 Lessons – free audio and video lessons, every week. In fact, a new season of lessons has started this month that you can grab. Anything else? Vocab lists, where you learn new words and phrases all the time. And don’t forget that our 29% OFF Summer of Swahili Sale ends Friday! In this month’s newsletter... Sale Ends Friday! Click Here to Get 29% OFF Basic or Premium! A New Season Has Started: New, Free, Weekly Swahili Lessons Free Feature Alert: Speak More Swahili With Word & Phrase Lists 1. Summer of Swahili Sale ends Friday! Get a HOT 29%... Show more

5 Tips To Motivate Yourself While Learning A Second Language

1. Schedule your time. One of the most important factors in keeping your motivation up is developing it into a habit. Whether it be 20 minutes or 3 hours, schedule time to study every day and stick to it. Regular exposure solidifies what you learn and keeps you progressing. To make sure you stick to your routine, a great idea is to build a schedule for your day and decide that every day/Monday/weekend, you study from 6pm to 8pm. Just remember that 30 minutes a day, every day, is better than a binge 8-hour study session at the end of the week (though it’s obviously better than nothing). 2. Learn a word a day with our great Word of the Day learning tool. Trying to learn everything at once and getting overwhelmed by the sheer number... Show more

New App Update! Swahili Video Lessons for Android & More Lesson Control!

Hello Listener, Last time, you got the new, free, weekly Swahili lessons on the go. This time, there are 2 more updates for the Innovative Language 101 App: SwahiliPod101 Video Lessons Now On The Android Version Powerful Lesson Player Controls On the iPhone/iPad Version What does this mean for you? It means: more Swahili lessons to learn with and more control over them! Click here to download Innovative Language 101 for free! (If you own the App, upgrade to the latest version.) 1. Video Lessons now on the Android App! Are you a visual learner and love learning with video? Swahili Video lessons make up a major portion of the SwahiliPod101 learning system. They weren’t on the Android version... Show more