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Archive for the 'Site Features' Category

New App Update! Get The Newest Swahili Lessons For Free No Matter Where You Are

Hello Listener, Did you know that every new SwahiliPod101 lesson is yours free? Fact: All new lessons are open to everyone for 3 weeks after the publish date. This is one of the major benefits of the Free Lifetime Account. Just sit back and learn. High-quality Swahili audio and video lessons come out every week. But here’s what’s new... You now get the newest lessons on your mobile device, anywhere, anytime! New update! Click here to download Innovative Language 101 for free! Users requested this. We listened. Innovative Language 101 for the iPhone, iPad and Android – the App that gives you your lessons on the go – has an awesome new update: Newest Lessons. If you’re learning Swahili and want to get all new lessons... Show more

New Feature! Stay Motivated With Personal Study Stats from My Report

Hello Listeners, There’s a brand new feature out! But first, here’s a question... How long have you been actively studying Swahili? Why do we ask? Well, Einstein once said... "It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer.” While most people quit, the smarter ones (or the stubborn ones) stick with Swahili long enough to break through and see progress. And if you think about it, time and effort are the two things that’ll ultimately dictate how far your Swahili will go. Look at it like this... Anyone with bigger muscles – they’ve spent more time at the gym than most. Anyone that’s a great artist – they’ve spent more time on their craft. Anyone that knows a ton of Swahili words – they’ve spent... Show more

Learn Swahili Faster with Our NEW, Redesigned Vocabulary Lists!

Hello Listeners! If you want to become better at speaking, writing and understanding Swahili, you NEED to know more words. (We’re sorry listeners, there’s no way around it!) If you want to learn vocabulary fast, you must be able to read and understand it instantly! That’s why we've redesigned our vocabulary lists to help you learn faster (and make your eyeballs happy too). All it takes is a few minutes to review a list. And the result? You know more Swahili. But, let’s get into what’s new with your Swahili Vocabulary Lists! Click here to see the new design and learn more vocabulary! Pretty spiffy, right? With bigger text, more space, a shiny new font and the ability to zoom in on words and look up their definitions, this... Show more

Starts Today! Take the 12-Month SwahiliPod101 Challenge

Welcome to 2015, Listener! Making New Year’s resolutions is easy. Keeping them? That’s the challenge. But 2015 is going to be different for you. How? This year you’ll be armed with a secret weapon of your own: SwahiliPod101 Premium Challenge yourself to mastering Swahili in 2015 and we’ll give you the lessons to SMASH through your resolution AND 45% savings on 12-Month Premium. That’s an entire year of Premium Access for just $99! Welcome to the Innovative Language Learning Inner Circle With SwahiliPod101 Premium, you have access to our complete learning system, which was created with busy students in mind. But tools alone won’t help you improve your Swahili. Every successful language student knows that in order to... Show more

December Newsletter: Year in Review & 3 Swahili New Year’s Gifts Inside

Hello Listener, The year’s about to come to a close. While you were improving your Swahili, we were busy churning out great new updates, features and lessons. 2014 was a fantastic time to learn language with us. Here are a few reasons why: 3,343+ New Lessons spanning over 31 languages published this year. 300 Million Lesson Downloads across all sites, since our start in 2005. 2 New Language Learning Sites: SwahiliClass & SwahiliPod101. That's a total of 31 languages you can learn with Innovative Language. Innovative Language 101 App launched for the Android, iPhone, iPad & Kindle Fire so you can learn Swahili on the go. New Features: Vocab Lists, Season Vocabulary & Premium PLUS My Teacher... Show more

New! Want to speak better Swahili? Get voice analysis from your own Teacher!

Hello Listener, Every Swahili learner wants to better at Swahili and say everything they’d like to say...without mistakes. But how can you get to that level of Swahili awesomeness? You need feedback from an actual Swahili teacher. Someone to tell you... “here’s how you fix your accent” “don’t use that. This phrase sounds more natural” ...”here is how to fix your mistakes” And now you can get speech analysis from your own Swahili teacher at SwahiliPod101! How? We just released a brand new tool called Premium PLUS My Teacher! New! Perfect Your Speaking with Premium PLUS My Teacher! Premium PLUS My Teacher, exclusively for Premium PLUS subscribers, gives you 1-on-1 access to a teacher. Just record your voice... Show more

For Halloween: Your Spooky Swahili Words, Monster-Sized 28% OFF & Free Features

Hello Listener, Are you looking for some Swahili learning treats this Halloween? Well, we’ve got some for you right here in this newsletter, including scary Swahili words you’ll need for Halloween, a Monster-Sized Discount on our complete Swahili learning system and a Free Feature that you might not have known about! Keep reading to get your spooky treats and updates of the month! In this month’s newsletter: Ends Friday! Get 28% OFF Basic or Premium at SwahiliPod101! Learn the Scariest, Must-Know Swahili Words for Halloween! Free Feature! Want to Speak More Swahili? Learn the Top 100 Words 1. Ends Friday! Learn Swahili with a Monster-Sized 28% OFF! Ready to learn Swahili with this MONSTER-Sized Deal? Then take advantage... Show more

New Premium PLUS Feature! 1-on-1 Swahili Learning with Your Own Teacher

Hello Listener, Imagine having your very own SwahiliPod101 teacher. They give you personal attention and fix any Swahili problem you’ll ever have. They can... Correct your writing Be a source of constant Swahili practice Give you insider tips on what words sound more natural in Swahili Correct your Swahili pronunciation (something most native speakers are too polite to do!) Point out your weaknesses Tell you how to best master Swahili Access to your own Swahili teacher was already available in our Premium PLUS subscription, but mostly via email interaction. Now, there’s a new Premium PLUS feature that gives you 1-on-1 instruction on the website or on the go via an App: Premium PLUS My Teacher (formerly titled Premium... Show more

Grow Your Swahili with 25% OFF & a FREE Audiobook!

Hello Listener, Your Swahili skill can easily grow this spring if you’re taking the right steps. How, you ask? Here’s how you grow your Swahili language at SwahiliPod101– and it’s all done without boring lessons, grammar rules and anything that only delays you from actually speaking Swahili and understanding right now. You get the real-life Swahili dialogues you don’t yet understand We explain, slow down, and translate every word and grammar point You immediately begin to understand real-life Swahili conversation AND, you learn how to speak, read, write, and much more. And of course, your Swahili naturally grows from zero to advanced. Are you ready to grow your Swahili this... Show more

How To Make Swahili Breakthroughs, 28% OFF & A Free Feature Alert

Hi Listener, Making Swahili breakthroughs is easier than you think. Successful learners go one step at a time. Do just one SwahiliPod101 lesson and in minutes, you master the entire conversation. Do another tomorrow. With each lesson, you speak more Swahili right now while typical learners sit around and just worry about “being fluent someday.” Start breaking through right now with a 28% discount, an exclusive interview with Benny Lewis, and more ways to boost your Swahili vocab! To mastering Swahili, Team SwahiliPod101 In this month’s newsletter: 3 Days Left! Get 28% OFF Basic or Premium Subscriptions! Exclusive Interview with Benny Lewis, the Irish Polyglot Free Feature Alert: One Daily... Show more