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Archive for the 'Site Features' Category

Take The SwahiliPod101 Challenge!

Welcome Back Listener! It’s been a while! Last time we saw you, it was still 2013... Christmas trees were up, and you were still making your 2014 resolutions. Now that the new year has begun, the #1 question everyone’s asking is... “How do I fulfill my resolution and make serious Swahili progress?” One: Stop thinking and start doing. Take on the challenge and jump in. Your progress starts NOW. Two: Create a measurable and attainable Swahili goal. (Master 100 new words in 2 weeks, listen to 5 Swahili lessons a week, hold a Swahili conversation for 5 minutes, etc.) Three: Challenge yourself more each month. (Go for 10 minute conversations, move on to 200 words, etc.) It’s as easy as that! So in 2014, take the... Show more

Perfect your Swahili pronunciation with the New & Improved Voice Recorder. Here’s how…

Hi there listener, You’re regularly exposed to Swahili speakers and conversations in SwahiliPod101 lessons. But do you actively practice pronunciation and the proper accent? If not, now’s the time to start. How would you do it? Simply listening and repeating Swahili speakers isn't enough. You need to hear how you actually sound as opposed to how you think you sound . So, naturally, recording and comparing yourself is one of the best ways of knowing how close your Swahili is to native Swahili. In fact, you can start doing this with your Swahili lessons at SwahiliPod101. We've upgraded & re-added the Voice Recording Tool into your lesson pages. If you’re a Premium member, you’ll find the Voice Recorder in the... Show more