
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

James: Must-Know Swahili Social Media Phrases Season 1. Lesson 20 - Arriving Home.
James: Hi everyone, I'm James.
Medina: And I'm Medina.
James: In this lesson, you'll learn how to post and leave comments in Swahili about returning home after a trip. Amina returns home after a vacation, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment:
Medina: Nimefurahi kufika nchini salama.
James: meaning - "I am happy to arrive safe in my country." Listen to a reading of the post and the comments that follow.
(clicking sound)
Amina: Nimefurahi kufika nchini salama.
(clicking sound)
Abdulahi: Karibu sana mke wangu.
Juma: Umechukua siku chache sana.
Asha: Safari ilikuwa nzuri, umenona sana.
Zainabu: Karibu. Natumai umekuwa na wakati mzuri.
James: Listen again with the English translation.
(clicking sound)
Amina: Nimefurahi kufika nchini salama.
James: "I am happy to arrive safe in my country."
(clicking sound)
Abdulahi: Karibu sana mke wangu.
James: "Welcome, my wife."
Juma: Umechukua siku chache sana.
James: "You took quite a few days."
Asha: Safari ilikuwa nzuri, umenona sana.
James: "The journey was good, you seem fat."
Zainabu: Karibu. Natumai umekuwa na wakati mzuri.
James: "Welcome. I hope you had a nice time."
James: Listen again to Amina's post.
Medina: Nimefurahi kufika nchini salama.
James: "I am happy to arrive safe in my country."
Medina: (SLOW) Nimefurahi kufika nchini salama. (Regular) Nimefurahi kufika nchini salama.
James: Let's break this down. First is an expression meaning "I am so happy to arrive."
Medina: Nimefurahi kufika.
James: She is so happy. Listen again."I am so happy to arrive." is...
Medina: (SLOW) Nimefurahi kufika. (REGULAR) Nimefurahi kufika.
James: Then comes the phrase - "Safe in my country."
Medina: Nchini salama.
James: To arrive at her home country safe. Listen again."Safe in my country." is...
Medina: (SLOW) Nchini salama. (REGULAR) Nchini salama.
James: All together, "I am happy to arrive safe in my country."
Medina: Nimefurahi kufika nchini salama.
James: In response, Amina's friends leave some comments.
James: Her husband, Abdulahi, uses an expression meaning - "Welcome, my wife."
Medina: (SLOW) Karibu sana mke wangu. (REGULAR) Karibu sana mke wangu.
Medina: Karibu sana mke wangu.
James: Use this expression to show you are feeling determined.
James: Her college friend, Juma, uses an expression meaning - "You took quite a few days."
Medina: (SLOW) Umechukua siku chache sana. (REGULAR) Umechukua siku chache sana.
Medina: Umechukua siku chache sana.
James: Use this expression to show you are feeling frivolous.
James: Her high school friend, Asha, uses an expression meaning - "The journey was good, you seem fat."
Medina: (SLOW) Safari ilikuwa nzuri, umenona sana. (REGULAR) Safari ilikuwa nzuri, umenona sana.
Medina: Safari ilikuwa nzuri, umenona sana.
James: Use this expression to be funny.
James: Her husband's high school friend, Zainabu, uses an expression meaning - "Welcome. I hope you had a nice time."
Medina: (SLOW) Karibu. Natumai umekuwa na wakati mzuri. (REGULAR) Karibu. Natumai umekuwa na wakati mzuri.
Medina: Karibu. Natumai umekuwa na wakati mzuri.
James: Use this expression to show you are feeling optimistic.


James: Okay, that's all for this lesson. If a friend posted something about returning home after a trip, which phrase would you use? Leave us a comment letting us know. And we'll see you next time!
Medina: Kwaheri.

