
Vocabulary (Review)

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Once you’re in the pharmacy, you will need to explain how you feel in order to let the pharmacist give you the right medicines. In this lesson, we’ll work on explaining symptoms so you can get the proper treatment and any medicine you may need.
Let’s try to make a list of all the possible things you might need.
In Swahili, “cold medicine” is dawa ya homa.
(slow) dawa ya homa.
dawa ya homa.
“Do you have cold medicine?” in Swahili is
Kunradhi, una dawa ya homa?
Let’s break it down by syllable.
(slow) Kunradhi, u - na da - wa ya ho - ma?
Kunradhi, una dawa ya homa?
The first word, kunradhi means, “excuse me”.
(slow) kunradhi
Then you have una which literally means, “have” but in this case it poses a question, “do you have?”
(slow) una
Then we have dawa, which is “medicine”
(slow) dawa
Then we have the preposition ya which means “for”
(slow) ya
The last word, homa, means “cold”
(slow) homa
The phrase dawa ya homa means “medicine for a cold.”
(slow) dawa ya homa
dawa ya homa
Altogether, that’s
(slow) Kunradhi, una dawa ya homa?
Kunradhi, una dawa ya homa?
Let’s see how to explain your symptoms.
In Swahili, “I have a headache” is
Kichwa kinaniuma.
Let's break it down.
(slow) Kichwa kinaniuma.
Now let's hear it once more.
Kichwa kinaniuma.
The first word is kichwa, which means “head”.
(slow) kichwa,
Next we have kinaniuma which means, “is aching.” (slow) kinaniuma
Altogether, we have Kichwa kinaniuma.
(slow) Kichwa kinaniuma.
Kichwa kinaniuma.
Literally, this means, “my head is eating me!” In this case, we’ve translated it as “I have a headache.”
If it’s your stomach that’s hurting, you can say, Tumbo linaniuma.
Let’s break it down by syllable and hear it one more time. Tumbo linaniuma.
Tumbo linaniuma.
Let’s hear the entire sentence again.
(slow) Tumbo linaniuma.
Tumbo linaniuma.

