Lesson Transcript

Access your free language gifts right now before they expire.
First, the Giving the Time PDF Conversation Cheat Sheet.
This brand new cheat sheet will teach you how to ask for and give the time fluently.
Download it for free right now.
Second, can you talk about negative emotions in your target language?
If not, then you'll want this lesson.
You'll pick up over 20 words for negative emotions in just a few minutes.
Third, the Top 20 Words for Positive Emotions.
This next one-minute lesson teaches you the 20 positive emotions like happy, excited, and more.
And you can learn them all fast with the slideshow Study Inside.
Fourth, the Core 2,000 Words PDF eBook.
Actually, this PDF eBook is usually not free and is sold at our store.
But you can get free access for the next few days and get fluent with the 2,000 must-know words inside.
So don't miss out because this book will go back into our vault.
Fifth, Encouraging Phrases PDF Writing Workbook.
This workbook teaches you the must-know encouraging phrases such as believe in yourself and don't give up.
And you'll get to practice writing out the phrases as well.
And sixth, free language learning audiobooks.
If you visit the link in the description, we'll send our library of language learning audiobooks.
Save them to your device and listen and learn.
They're yours to keep forever.
To get your gifts and language learning resources, click the link in the description below.
Download them right now before they expire.

