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Essential Sentences For Expressing Dislike
17 words
Word Image
Essential Sentences For Expressing Dislike
17 words
Sio kikombe changu cha chai.
It's not my cup of tea.
Siipendi wazo hili.
I don't like this idea.
Nadhani inaweza kuwa bora.
I think it could be better.
Siwezi kustahimili hili.
I can't stand this.
Ninachukia hili.
I hate this.
Mimi si shabiki mkubwa.
I'm not a big fan.
Siyo mtindo wangu.
It's not my style.
Sikulipenda hii.
I never liked this.
Unaweza kuiweka mwenyewe.
You can keep it for yourself.
Hiyo haionekani nzuri.
That doesn't look good.
Ninachukia mambo kama haya.
I loathe things like this.
Sifurahii hii.
I'm not fond of this.
Ninachukia hili.
I detest this.
Inachosha kidogo.
It's a bit boring.
Hii ni mbaya sana.
This is absolutely awful.
Ni ndoto kamili!
It's a complete nightmare!
Hiyo haina ufanisi sana, inayo?
That's not very efficient, is it?
2020-10-08 21:14:43

Jambo Bravoria,

Great to hear that! ๐Ÿ˜‡ Thank you very much for your message.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Good luck with your language studies.

Kind regards,



2020-10-07 17:37:01

Thanks a lot am learning bit by bit.i will be committed to learning kiswahili
2020-09-02 19:52:30

Jambo Mathias,

Karibu Mathias. If I got you correctly you are asking translation for - it won't work for me - "Haitafanya kazi kwangu". Continue enjoying the Swahili learning experience.



2020-08-27 01:33:08

Ninawashukuru sana

what these sentences

it won't work for me

that one doesn't exist

it hasn't stated yet
