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Habits for Highly Effective Language Learners
12 words
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Habits for Highly Effective Language Learners
12 words
Andika chini, lengo lako ndogo linalowezwa pimwa.
Write down your small, measurable monthly goal.
Tayarisha tarehe ya mwisho.
Prepare a deadline.
Kungeneza ratiba.
Create a routine.
Tayarisha laini na mazungumzo kabla ya wakati.
Prepare lines and conversations ahead of time.
Masaa mengi ya kusoma yatakufanya mjonge na kusababisha kushindwa.
Long study hours will burn you out and result in failure.
Rudia na upitie tena.
Come back and review.
Tafuta suluhu.
Look for solutions.
Zingatia kile unachofaa.
Focus on what you are good at.
Wacha kuahirisha irisha.
Do not procrastinate.
Kumbuka kujifunza lugha ni mbio za masafa marefu sio mbio fupi.
Remember that learning a language is a marathon and not a sprint.
Usiweke vitu mingi kwa ubongo.
Donโ€™t cram.
Have fun.