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How do you motivate yourself when learning a language?
15 words
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How do you motivate yourself when learning a language?
15 words
Mimi hutazama sinema na vipindi vya televisheni na kufurahia ninapofahamu neno au sentensi.
I watch movies and TV shows and enjoy the feeling when I can understand a word or a sentence.
Ninatumai kuwa siku moja nitatembelea au kuishi katika hiyo nchi.
I imagine that one day I will visit or live in that country!
Kukua katika sehemu ambazo watu wanaongea lugha asili ni ya kutia moyo sana.
Being in places where people speak the language is great motivation.
Mimi hufanyaurafiki na watu wanaoongea lugha hiyo.
I make friends with people who speak that language.
Dhania unaweza kuongea na watu wote duniani. Utakuwa na uhuru wa kwenda pahali popote, kufanya chochote, kukutana na mtu yeyeto! Ni jambo la kutia moyo.
Imagine that you could speak to everyone in the world. You would have freedom to go anywhere, do anything, meet anyone! It's a great motivator.
Napenda kutafuta maneno ya ucheshi katika lugha ninalojifunza.
I like to find funny words in the language I am learning!
Kusikiza nyimbo katika lugha hunitia moyo kutia bidii kuufahamu.
Listening to songs in the language encourages me to work to understand them!
Mimi hujaribu kusoma vitabu, magazeti na tovuti katika lugha hiyo. Mtindo huu huifanya kuonekana kama kweli.
I try to read books, newspapers and websites in that language. It makes it seem more real!
Mimi pia husoma mambo mengine ya tamaduni ambayo hunufaisha kujifunza lugha.
I study other aspects of the culture too, which makes it more rewarding to study the language.
Mimi hubadilisha namna ya kusoma kila wakati ili isiwe ya kuudhisha.
I change the ways I study frequently so it doesn't get boring!
Kuongea na wenyeji wa lugha ni zoezi nzuri na la kutia moyo.
Talking with native speakers of the language is great practice and motivation!
Mimi hujipa lengo la usoni kwa kujifunza lugha. Lengo linalotekelezeka linatia moyo sana.
I always set a concrete language goal for the future. Achievable goals are a great motivator!
Fanya kujifunza uwe wa kupendeza! Kama umeudhika na kile unachofanya, tafuta njia tofauti ya kulifanya.
Make learning fun! If you are bored by what you are doing, find another way to do it!
Tazama video vya YouTube vya watu wengine ambao wamejifunza lugha hiyo. Hii itakuhimiza kusoma.
Watch YouTube videos of other people who have successfully learned the language. This will really inspire you to study!
Mimi hufurahia kutumia lugha hiyo kwa kuagiza katika migahawa ya nchi ninayojifunza.
I enjoy using the language to order at restaurants from the countries I am learning about!