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Ways to Improve Pronunciation
13 words
Word Image
Ways to Improve Pronunciation
13 words
Imba wimbo unaoupenda kwa lugha unayosoma
Sing along to your favorite songs in the language you're studying.
Soma kwa sauti kubwa tujifunza matumushi
Read out loud to practice pronunciation.
Rudia mistari kutoka kwa vipindi za runinga kujifunza
Repeat lines from TV shows to practice!
Sema vishazi kwa nguvu kujifunza mwenda wa lugha geni
Speak entire phrases out loud to practice the rhythm of a new language.
Ongea sana na mwalimu wako. Ataweza kukukosoa na kukuboresha.
Speak a lot with your teacher. He or she can correct you and help you improve.
Rekodi sauti yako na pia jisikize ukiongea
Record your speech and listen to your own recording.
Tafuta mwenyeji kukusaidia kwa matamushi
Shadow a native speaker to practice your pronunciation.
Ongea na wenyenji kuboresha matamushi na fanya mazoezi ya mazungumzo
Chat with native speakers to improve your pronunciation and practice colloquial speech.
Fanya mazoezi kwa sauti ambazo uko na matatizo
Practice pronunciation drills for sounds you have trouble making.
Kuwa makini kutamka maneno wewe hupata kuwa mazuri
Take care to correctly pronounce words you find particularly interesting!
Endelea pole pole kwa kuogea mara mingi
Progress in small steps by practicing regularly.
Tazama cinema na vipindi za runinga za lugha unayosoma
Watch movies or TV shows in the language you're studying.
Sikiza Podcasts
Listen to podcasts.