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Ways to Reject an Invitation
12 words
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Ways to Reject an Invitation
12 words
Mimi niko nje
I'm out.
Samahani, tayari nina mipango.
Sorry, I already have plans.
Mimi nakaa nyumbani leo.
I'm staying home today.
Shukrani, lakini nitakuwa nje kwa hii.
Thanks, but I'm gonna sit this one out.
Niwie radhi, lakini sitaweza kuhudhuria.
Apologies, but I will be unable to attend.
Pole sana, lakini nina miadi nyingine.
I'm terribly sorry, but I have another appointment.
Asante, lakini nimechoka kabisa.
Thanks, but I'm really tired.
Samahani, nitakuwa nje ya mji wakati huo.
Sorry, I will be out of town at that time.
Natamani ningeweza, lakini haitafanya kazi wakati huu.
I wish I could, but itโ€™s just not going to work this time.
Hebu nifikiri juu yake, na nitakujulisha baadaye.
Let me think about it, and Iโ€™ll get back to you.
Hakuna tarehe hata moja ya hizo itafanya kazi kwangu, lakini napenda kukuona wakati mwingine.
None of those dates work for me, but I would love to see you another time.
Niliahidi familia yangu nitakaa nyumbani wakati huu.
I promised my family I would stay at home this time.