Would you put this lesson into a pdf format for down loading?
Jambo Kokayi,
You are right. Some sentences might be difficult to comprehend if one literally translates from English to Swahili. However, with time and enough practice, you get to understand grammar and sentence construction without necessarily translating word by word. Continue browsing for enough interaction with our resources. Feel free to reach us for more guidance and clarification.
Continue enjoying Swahili learning experience.
Team SwahiliPod101.com
I noticed that the word order of Kiswahili is different than in English and is not a literal translation of the Kiswahili words.
So it makes it difficult to really understand the sentences the way a native speaker would!
Hi Christi,
Thank you for studying with us.
In case of any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Team SwahiliPod101.com
Asante sana
Thank you for this lesson it was very good
Jambo Joshua
Asante, nafikiri Premium Plus ni nzuri sana, nitafikiri kutumia rasilimali hii baadaye. Kabla ninataka kusoma masomo masingi na kujua msamiati zaidi kwa kuwasiliana bora. Ninasoma maneno na wordpower swahili for iPhone, ni vitendo sana!
Siku njema
Jambo Xenia
Ninafurahia kuwa wa msaada kwako. Pia unaweza tumia Premium Plus My Teacher application kufanya mazoezi mengine na kuwasiliana na mimi kama mwalimu wako.
Team SwahiliPod101.com
Sabalheri Joshua
Asante sana kwa msaada wako! Sasa ninaweza kuunda na kukanusha sentensi in different tenses. Ndio, ninafurahia kujifunza kiswahili na kutumia SwahiliPod101.com.
Kuwa na siku njema
Can you make sample sentences using these patterns?